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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

(PM-SYM): Pradhan mantri Shram Yogi Man Dhan Yojna Pension

(PM-SYM): Pradhan mantri Shram Yogi Man Dhan Yojna Pension

Government of India has introduced a pension scheme for unorganized workers namely Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) to ensure old age protection for Unorganized Workers.

 The unorganized workers mostly engaged as home based workers, street vendors, mid-day meal workers, head loaders, brick kiln workers, cobblers, rag pickers, domestic workers, washer men, rickshaw pullers, landless laborers, own account workers, agricultural workers,  construction workers, beedi workers, handloom workers, leather workers, audio-visual workers and similar other occupations whose monthly income is Rs 15,000 / per month or less and belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years.  They should not be covered under New Pension Scheme (NPS), Employees ’State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) scheme or Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO).  Further, he / she should not be an income tax payer.

    ૪ પાસથી થી માંડીને ગ્રેજ્યુએટ સુધી બધાને મળશે અહીં નોકરી     

 2. Features of PM-SYM: It is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme, under which the subscriber would receive the following benefits:

 (i) Minimum Assured Pension: Each subscriber under the PM-SYM, shall receive minimum assured pension of Rs 3000 / - per month after attaining the age of 60 years.

 (ii) Family Pension: During the receipt of pension, if the subscriber dies, the spouse of the beneficiary shall be entitled to receive 50% of the pension received by the beneficiary as family pension.  Family pension is applicable only to spouse.

 (iii) & nbps;  && nbps; If a beneficiary has given regular contribution and died due to any cause (before age of 60 years), his / her spouse will be entitled to join and continue the scheme subsequently by payment of regular contribution or exit the scheme as per provisions of  exit and withdrawal.

 3. Contribution by the Subscriber: The subscriber’s contributions to PM-SYM shall be made through ‘auto-debit’ facility from his / her savings bank account / Jan-Dhan account.  The subscriber is required to contribute the prescribed contribution amount from the age of joining PM-SYM till the age of 60 years.  The chart showing details of entry age specific monthly contribution is as under:

4. Matching contribution by the Central Government: PM-SYM is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme on a 50:50 basis where prescribed age-specific contribution shall be made by the beneficiary and the matching contribution by the Central Government as per the chart.  For example, if a person enters the scheme at an age of 29 years, he is required to contribute Rs 100 / - per month till the age of 60 years an equal amount of Rs 100 / - will be contributed by the Central Government.

 5. Enrollment Process under PM-SYM: The subscriber will be required to have a mobile phone, savings bank account and Aadhaar number.  The eligible subscriber may visit the nearest Common Services Centers (CSC eGovernance Services India Limited (CSC SPV)) and get enrolled for PM-SYM using Aadhaar number and savings bank account / Jan-Dhan account number on self-certification basis.

 Later, facility will be provided where the subscriber can also visit the PM-SYM web portal or can download the mobile app and self-register using Aadhar number / savings bank account / Jan-Dhan account number on self-certification basis.

 6. Enrollment agencies: The enrollment will be carried out by all the Common Services Centers.  The unorganized workers may visit their nearest CSC along with their Aadhar Card and Savings Bank account passbook / Jandhan account and get registered themselves for the Scheme.  Contribution amount for the first month shall be paid in cash for which they will be provided with a receipt.

    કુટુંબ સહાય / સંકટ મોચન યોજનામાં મળશે 20,000 રૂપિયાની સહાય    

 7. Facilitation Centers: All the branch offices of LIC, the offices of ESIC / EPFO ​​and all Labor offices of Central and State Governments will facilitate the unorganized workers about the scheme, its benefits and the procedure to be followed, at their respective centers.

 In this respect, the arrangements to be made by all offices of LIC, ESIC, EPFO ​​all Labor offices of Central and State Governments are given below, for ease of reference:

 1. All LIC, EPFO ​​/ ESIC and all Labor offices of Central and State Governments may set up a “Facilitation Desk” to facilitate the unorganized workers, guide about the features of the Scheme and direct them to nearest CSC.

 2. Each desk may consist of at least one staff.

 3. They will have backdrop, standi at the main gate and sufficient number of brochures printed in Hindi and regional languages ​​to be provided to the unorganized workers.

 4. Unorganized workers will visit these centers with Aadhaar Card, Savings bank account / Jandhan account and mobile phone.

 5. Help desk will have onsite suitable sitting and other necessary facilities for these workers.

 6. Any other measures intended to facilitate the unorganized workers about the Scheme, in their respective centers.

 8.Fund Management: PM-SYM will be a Central Sector Scheme administered by the Ministry of Labor and Employment and implemented through Life Insurance Corporation of India and CSC eGovernance Services India Limited (CSC SPV).  LIC will be the Pension Fund Manager and responsible for Pension pay out.  The amount collected under PM-SYM pension scheme shall be invested as per the investment pattern specified by Government of India.

Requirements for Enrolment

◾A Mobile Phone.

◾Savings Bank/Jan Dhan Account.

◾Aadhaar Number.

  Download Pdf File Here  

  Official Site For This scheme Details  

PMSYM Registration

 As of now, the applicant may visit the nearest CSC (Common Services Center) and submit the required details to get enrolled.

 VLE will register the beneficiary electronically on the system.

 A beneficiary has to pay 1st installation in cash to CSC.

 Now Shram Yogi Pension Number will be generated.

 VLE will print & handover the Shram Yogi card to the beneficiary.

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